Hands Make Heart Shape

Free consultation

To get the most out of the Platinum products and your €50 voucher, we offer a free consultation based on your wellness goals.

You can call me or get an overview in the online catalog:

The roh.bio.genial packages

Up to 31 superfoods in 2 drinks, prepared in 10 seconds. Powerful plants in a quality that you would like to have but cannot grow yourself. Convenient, high-quality and inexpensive. The ideal basis for all wellness goals. Organic – just not boring.

Raw Organic Genius
Sebastian Ilyty

Sebastian Schertel

Holistic health consultant

Graduated in 2012 from the FH Coburg in Health Sciences, followed by further training in alternative healing methods, Tai Chi, QiGong, Family Constellations, Reiki, Naturopathy, CQM, OMNI Hypnosis, New Homeopathy and Ho’oponopono.

Answers to frequently asked questions

You are not alone. Many questions keep coming back and that’s why you’ll find the answers right below:

I already take vitamins from company xyz, do I need Platinum products?

Only your body can give you this answer. I always ask at this point:

  • Are you happy with what you are taking?
  • Is your dietary supplement giving you the benefits you hoped for?

If you are satisfied and have the benefits you are hoping for, we don’t normally need to talk any further. However, if there are areas where you want to improve or if you want to experience what pure, green food can do for you and your body, Platinum products can be a sensible alternative.

What do you value?

If you naturalness is important to you: Platinum products are not irradiated, contain no genetically modified organisms, are free from pesticides, fillers, binders, artificial sweeteners, vitamins, colorings and flavorings and the ingredients are certified organic wherever possible or come from wild harvesting. Does your current product offer you this level of naturalness?

If you quality is important to you: Platinum products come fresh from the farm, are harvested when ripe and gently dehydrated within a very short time. The highest standards are maintained during production and emphasis is placed on proven and modern processes. Does your current product offer you food of this quality?

If you results are important to you: Platinum Products are formulated based on traditional knowledge, supported by the latest science, to ensure a perfect interplay of ingredients and relevant quantities so that they arrive quickly in the body and can be ideally utilized. All completely natural and without the use of chemicals.

If you are looking for fair price-performance ratio is important to you: Platinum products grow in nature, not in a laboratory. It requires arable land, agricultural machinery, harvest workers, production facilities for fast, gentle processing, quality controls to ensure the consistently high quality of the food and many other people who earn their living through honest work. This work is rewarded with fair product prices. Does your current product support the preservation of jobs in agriculture or do the ingredients only come from the chemical laboratory? How much lower are the costs if your product comes from a laboratory? Does your product manufacturer pass these savings on to you?

What is the difference between natural and synthetic vitamins?

Vitamins often have the same structural formula, regardless of whether they come from the laboratory or from the plant. The consumer advice center has taken a critical look at the differences on its website“Klartext Nahrungsergänzung” and comes to the conclusion that there is basically not much difference. However, they describe on their website that artificially produced vitamins are often produced with the help of genetically modified organisms or from substances such as crude oil or petroleum and clarify labeling requirements and that vitamins from natural sources also name them, such as “vitamin C from acerola extract”. If this reference to the original plant is missing, it can be assumed that the vitamin has been produced artificially. Here is some interesting additional information:

Consumer advice center Klartext food supplements

The website“Zentrum der Gesundheit“, on the other hand, takes a more differentiated view of the difference and also goes into the chemical structure of a vitamin, but also explains why this can still lead to problems. Among other things, because vitamins in combination with all the other substances found in a plant are familiar to the body and support and complement each other, which is why high doses are often not necessary. At the same time, they use studies to show that, in contrast to natural vitamin E, artificially produced vitamin E, for example, can lead to problems. They clearly advocate the natural variant:

Dangerous artificial vitamins

Feel free to visit the two linked pages. Once you have read them, you will be all the more interested in natural products.

I always like to say: ethical instead of synthetic.

What else can I do for my health?

In addition to a healthy, balanced diet and additional supplementation with e.g. Platinum products, it is always a good idea:

  • drink enough water
  • make sure you get enough sleep
  • Remove unnecessary electronics from everyday life
  • do regular, moderate exercise (it may be advisable to consult a doctor here)
  • let go of old baggage and free yourself from stress and burdens
  • If necessary, seek the help of experts in order to make relevant progress with the above points

Do you have any further questions?

Let us advise you

or redeem your voucher directly produktkatalog directly.